Scripture Study: Homosexual / I Am Not the Judge

When I was a child homosexuality was still hidden. It wasn’t accepted socially and it was shameful and a joke even. I heard about it often but always in a negative manner...

“Don’t be gay!” , “Are you gay?!” , “You’re so gay!”

We also made fun of people with mental retardation by using the word “retard.” It was often used to say someone was stupid. It was also common for kids to act like they were retarded to tell someone they were being “retarded.” It was a very insensitive and mean time.

Both are horrible.
Because it was so bad to be homosexual, anyone who was on the inside had a hard time “coming out.”

Americans have fought to change this. They have fought hard to make homosexuality normal and even that those who are hurting while hiding who they are can come out and live their truth. And maybe cut back the amount of suicides occurring.

This sounds like a good cause. However, they have pushed it to the point where it is in kids’ cartoons (drag queen in Blues Clues, for instance) and every tv show available to adults. And the fight targeted religious people who believe God does not approve of homosexual lifestyles.

Now a days , if you believe homosexual lives are not approved by God then you are evil and what you believe is evil. Your church is evil. Because God made them homosexual so He must approve.

I strongly believe that the amount of people who are or ever have been born in a way that they would only ever be sexually attracted to their own gender is very slim. Most homosexuals, these days, are created by the circumstances in their life on earth. Such as witnessing the opposite gender be abusive and evil in their lives. Men can be so evil and abusive! I understand that! Lucky for me I 1) was never abused 2)believed that some men are actually good to the core.

I also know that women can be annoying, selfish, vain and evil. So, men might be turned off of women because of witnessing those kinds.

So, I went to the scriptures to find where God Himself says that homosexuality is a sin. Here is what I found:

Leviticus 18

22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

30 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinances, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein, I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 20 names all kinds of “abominations” such as sleeping with your aunt, sleeping with animals, etc. Things that are obviously wrong and unclean in the eyes of God. But then it says that if you have sex with a woman when she is on her period then you are both sinners. (verse 18) “both of them shall be cut off from among their people.” Why? If you are married it shouldn’t matter.

Verse 13 tells us that is a man sleeps with another man sexually then they have committed an abomination.

Romans 1:27 speaks of different sinful behaviors and names men who lust after men.

32 Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death.

This seems to be speaking more of the laws of the time and of the community.

If you were to say homosexuality is bad because you are breaking the law, the sin is breaking the law.
If you were to say it is bad because they were not married when they had sexual interaction...then the sin would be immorality (whether it was a man with a woman, a woman with a woman or a man with a man).
Sex outside of marriage is a sin.

Sodomite means homosexual.

In Deuteronomy 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel , nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

Isaiah 3:9 “They declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not ingerit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind(homosexuals), nor thieves, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Timothy 9-10 also lists homosexuals among the liars, ungodly and sinners...”contrary to the sound doctrine.”

When God gave Moses the ten commandments Moses’ people were off being wicked and doing whatever they felt like doing without thought of God. The ten commandments include being sexually clean “thou shalt not commit adultery.” God doesn’t make a commandment that says “Thou shalt not marry or lie with the same sex as thou art.” But back then sexual acts with the same gender fell under adultery. It was sexual uncleanliness.

As a mother I personally know that I love my children unconditionally. My children can grow up and choose their own lives. Their own loves. Their own happiness. And I will always love them.
I know God must feel the same way toward us. And He gives us instructions. He gives us the scriptures and the words of the prophets which He Himself guided and gave words to!
He taught us, you could say, and now it’s our turn to choose. To choose how we live our lives. Having the scriptures before us. Having different church before us. We can choose. And He will love us. But, there are consequences to our actions in this life and there are also in the next life. I don’t know. I don’t what the consequences will be for homosexuals who just wanted to be happy and couldn’t help that they feel love only to the same gender.
Jesus Christ is the judge. He will be everyone’s judge.

I just know that I believe God doesn’t approve because it is written in the scriptures. And I always have believed them to be truth and to be written by men who were in connection with God Himself.

I believe that what God tells us is right is not always easy and is not always what we want.

But I also know that living in this life alone is the worst. I couldn’t be single my whole life. If God had told me that I wasn’t allowed to have a boyfriend/husband my whole life I would end up going against God and choosing to have a male companion to share my life with. I say that because when I was fifteen I knew God didn’t want me having a boyfriend who 1) wasn’t LDS and 2) would french kiss me. But I couldn’t not date him. I was lonely and he was my friend. Even though I knew it was wrong I dated him, accepting whatever the consequences were going to be.

In conclusion, the only reason I object to same sex relationships is because God does. If it were up to me, personally, I wouldn’t be against it. But I stand behind God. I try to always follow Him. And I will love anyone in my life who chooses to live a same sex relationship. Love as Jesus loved. Because I am not the judge. Jesus Christ is.

