Scripture Study: Homosexual / I Am Not the Judge
When I was a child homosexuality was still hidden. It wasn’t accepted socially and it was shameful and a joke even. I heard about it often but always in a negative manner... “Don’t be gay!” , “Are you gay?!” , “You’re so gay!” We also made fun of people with mental retardation by using the word “retard.” It was often used to say someone was stupid. It was also common for kids to act like they were retarded to tell someone they were being “retarded.” It was a very insensitive and mean time. Both are horrible. Because it was so bad to be homosexual, anyone who was on the inside had a hard time “coming out.” Americans have fought to change this. They have fought hard to make homosexuality normal and even that those who are hurting while hiding who they are can come out and live their truth. And maybe cut back the amount of suicides occurring. This sounds like a good cause. However, they have pushed it to the point where it is in kids’ cartoons (drag queen in ...